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Cin Chili Hash Browns

1 package frozen hash brown potatoes
1/2 green bell pepper
1 medium onion
1 tablespoon Cin Chili Seasoning Mix
Shredded cheese
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon cooking oil

Add the oil and butter to a large skillet. Add one package of frozen hash browns to the skillet after the butter has melted. Chop up the 1/2 green bell pepper and the medium onion and add this to the hash browns. Add one tablespoon of Cin Chili mix to the mixture and add salt and pepper to taste. When the hash browns have turned golden brown, cover the top with a thin layer of shredded cheese. Cover until the cheese melts. Serve hot. Shake a little Perky Pepper Hot Sauce on top to spice it up even more.