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Cin Chili Recipes
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Cin Chili Stuffed Bell Peppers

4-8 whole bell pepper (green, yellow or red)
Velveeta® cheese
Prepared Cin Chili

Preheat oven to 350˚F. Prepare the Cin Chili the day before so it’s chilled. You can use left-over Cin Chili or thawed out frozen Cin Chili. Cut the top off the bell peppers and clean out the seeds. Place a spoonful of Cin Chili in the bottom of the pepper and then add a slice of Velveeta cheese. Add more Cin Chili over the cheese, to the top of the bell pepper. Do this to 4-8 peppers depending on how many you want to make.

I like to mix up the colors and serve red, green and yellow bell peppers. Place the peppers upright in a baking dish and bake for 30 minutes at 350˚F. Remove the dish from the oven and cover the top of each pepper with one slice of Velveeta cheese. Return to the oven until the cheese melts, about 5-10 minutes. Place Fritos® chips in the top of the peppers before you serve them for an added crunch.

For a quick and easy version, substitute 2-4 packages of Cin Chili Ready-To-Serve Hearty Beef. Use 1/2 package per bell pepper. Follow the recipe as directed.