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Cin Chili Recipes
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Spicy Cin Chili Nuts

1 egg white, slightly beaten
1 tablespoon red cayenne pepper
2 tablespoons cold water
3 tablespoons Cin Chili Seasoning Mix
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups pecan halves (or any other nut you choose to use)

All spices should be ground and mixed together. Preheat oven to 250˚F. Combine the egg white (slightly beaten with fork) and the water. Add and blend the spices that have been mixed together. Add the nuts and stir until each nut has been well coated. Pour on to a well greased cookie sheet. Bake at 250˚F for 1 hour until toasted golden. Stir every 10 minutes, turning nuts so that they do not soak in puddles. This coats the nuts and makes them crisp. After baking, cool in pan or pour onto waxed paper until completely cool. Store in an air tight container or Ziplock baggie to keep crisp. These can be made several weeks prior to use and frozen. If some are left, re-freeze until used again.

Recipe courtesy of Sherry Tinerella