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Cin Chili Puffs

Cin Chili Puffs

1 package crescent rolls
1 green onion
1 slice American cheese
1 package Cin Chili
1/2 jalapeño for added heat, if desired

Separate crescent rolls into 8 triangular sections. Place a few green onion slices on the center of the dough section. Cut an American cheese slice into 4 equal triangles and place one of the cheese triangles over the green onions. Place a tablespoon of warm Cin Chili on top of the cheese. Fold the three corners of the crescent roll dough over the top of the chili. Pinch the sides together to completely cover the chili and cheese. Place on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake in the oven at 350˚F for 14 minutes or until the top of the crescent roll is golden brown. Be sure to make enough for seconds!

To spice up Cin Chili Puffs, add a little surprise by filling half a jalapeño with the above ingredients then covering it with the crescent roll dough. Cook as you would above.

For a quick and easy version, substitute the package of Cin Chili Mix with 1 package of Ready-To-Serve Hearty Beef Cin Chili. Follow the recipe as directed.