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Cin Chili Enchiladas

Cin Chili Enchiladas

1 package Cin Chili Mix
Flour or corn tortillas
Shredded cheese
Enchilada or picante sauce

Prepare Cin Chili per directions on the package. Fill 8 tortillas with the chili and roll up. Place seam side down in a 7x11 casserole dish. Cover with Cin Chili. Layer the top with shredded cheese of your choice (nacho blend, Velveeta, mild cheddar). Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 350˚F. When serving, top with enchilada or picante sauce.

For a quick and easy version, substitute the package of Cin Chili Mix with 4 packages of Ready-To-Serve Hearty Beef Cin Chili.